This year, Sentia Denmark once again re-certifies its ISO 27001:2013 standard.
ISO/IEC 27001 is the international management standard for information security. Sentia completes an annual ISO 27001 audit requiring documentation of risk management, processes, division of roles, and information security responsibility.
With a special focus on extending the scope of the certification to cover the entire business line of Managed Services, including Operation and Infrastructure services in the areas of Private Cloud, Public Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud.
I am very proud of the tremendous effort that all employees have made in connection with Sentia's ISO 27001 certification. Sentia Denmark now having its entire IT delivery certified is an important milestone.
Finn Laursen, Head of Business Governance, Sentia Denmark.

What does the certification mean for our customers?
Specifically, the certification means that Sentia integrates security into everything that we do and therefore requires the standard that all employees are involved - from top management through employees. As a customer, it means that your IT solutions are safely operating under the requirements of ISO 27001 and that all data is processed accordingly.