Enhance your business performance with cloud

22 January 2019

In this highly competitive market, it is essential to improve the company and gain a competitive advantage continuously.

Previously it was only necessary for tech companies to be agile, but now any organization must match the market and meet the changing demands.

With the cloud, there are unique advantages to discover. Imagine being able to launch your applications at any time with just a click away. Also, in line with the organization's growth, there is a need for flexibility to ensure productivity. The cloud assures agile adjustments of workload on-demand, all without any unwanted side-effects.

With a proactive cloud strategy and support from your cloud provider, you ensure the effective use of the resources, obtain operational advantages, and boost your business operation.

The following statistics illustrate how IT practitioners have witnessed the cloud's performance-enhancing benefits within their own business:

Of survey respondents[1] reported that they are saving money, seeing more productivity and enjoying better security.

Of cloud users[1] reported higher revenue growth rates that exceeded the competitors.

Was the level of cost savings[1] realized when utilizing the cloud.

Of organizations[2] reported that cloud services have given them a competitive advantage because of the ease and speed of capitalizing on opportunities.

Of respondents[3] agreed that cloud services have helped them boost profits.

You may already be dipping your toe into the 'cloud waters' here and there across the business, but to fully reap the benefits, you have to dive right in and embrace what the cloud can do across the whole organization.

We understand that it might seem like a daunting project, but the right IT partner will keep you afloat and ensure you can ride the cloud' waves' onto sunnier business and profit climes. Your business may be comfortable with a private cloud set up rather than diving right into the public cloud infrastructure. However, the right cloud strategy, managed by a trusted provider, will allow it to yield some impressive results.

At Sentia, we offer the in-house expertise and resources to ensure you leverage the cloud's full benefits. Check out our solution offerings to look into where Sentia and the cloud can help you. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover the true breadth of ways that the cloud can enhance your business. 

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