BERRY SUPERFOS: Essential requirements made the outcome

2 January 2019

"Berry Superfos and Sentia* have many common values, and this is one of the reasons why we feel in safe hands with Sentia. We need to have a trusted and devoted partner to manage our IT infrastructure - and that partner is Sentia," says Michael Opsahl, Group IT Manager at Berry Superfos.

In 2011  Berry Superfos started to look for new hosting partners to operate their IT infrastructure. The requirements were precise. The partner should be financially sound, have experience with long-term customer relationships in the manufacturing industry and international customers. Additionally, the partner should deliver the complete service without the use of sub-contractors and have Infrastructure-as-a-Service and Facility Management as core business areas. Sentia was the obvious choice for the task because all the demands were easily met, and Sentia could provide Berry Superfos the attention they wanted.

Partner with a service level at the top

A well-functioning IT infrastructure is business-critical for Berry Superfos as an international company with offices worldwide. Therefore, IT operations and the network must be functioning all 24 hours of the year optimally.
Berry Superfos sought references from three of Sentia's larger customers and was confirmed that Sentia was the perfect match for Berry Superfos. 
"The very positive opinions we received made it easy for us to decide to partner up with Sentia. At the same time, they distinguished themselves by being able to meet all our requirements," - explains Michael Opsahl, Group IT Manager at Berry Superfos.

Selective outsourcing - combine your solution

As Berry Superfos is an innovative company in growth, it is essential not to be locked-in on a solution, and have the necessary room for flexibility when adjustments are needed. And so, Sentia was chosen in a selective outsourcing process.
Sentia manages servers while first level support and help desk for users is with Berry Superfos. The solution includes Infrastructure-as-a-Service for mail, database and application servers, co-location of ERP system, as well as Platform-as-a-Service in the form of operation up to and including the operating system (OS). Also, Berry Superfos has chosen Sentia to manage the operation of its pan-European VPNs, firewalls, virus scans, and proxy services.
"Sentia was very committed and flexible in the offer and negotiation phase. Furthermore, Sentia has provided a reliable and scalable platform where it is easy and quick to implement changes and extensions when the need arises," - explains Michael Opsahl.

Berry Superfos produces injection molded and thermoformed packs for food and non-food products focusing on sustainability and high quality. Berry Superfos focuses on core areas such as quality, design, and efficiency, and continuously listens to their customers' needs to create the optimal product in form and functionality.

*Netgroup was acquired by Sentia Denmark A/S in 2019

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